Tver State Medical University
The Tver State Medical University was founded in 1936. For more than 70 years Tver State Medical University has been playing a leading role in the development of Medical Science and Training of Medical and Scientific Personnel. During the whole period of its history, the main goal of the university has been training the specialist high Qualification, having with fundamental theoretical knowledge, Practical skills in their Specialties. The Principal mission of the University is to Preserve, develop and disseminate its cherished values. According to the WHO international rating, Tver State Medical University Takes the 23rd Place in the world and 3rd position in Russia in the Medical Studies.
The University develops different contacts in the realm of Medical Education, Physicians training, Scientific Research, Methodical and informational exchange with many institutions of Russian Federation and other countries. Republic centers “infection in Surgery” Research Laboratory of the University are well Known Abroad. The University also organizes the International academic Meetings which stimulate active participation of all the Scientists and scholars of the University in the Activity of Professional International Societies and Associations.
There are more than 40 Medical academies, Universities and institutions spread throughout the country, which give the best Qualification and skills to the students. Tver State Medical University is the Best Medical Education Situated in the very Heart of Russia. The city Tver is geographically situated between two capital cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This University has a hundred Years history and 50 years’ Experience of Training Foreigners. Tver State Medical University is a home for 4700 students. Every third student in the University is a foreign national. The University consists 6000 beds in 10 various hospitals, including specialized hospitals for oncology, tuberculosis, infectious, skin and sexual transmitted diseases. The University owns dental clinic of more than 200chairs, the clinic is considered being one of the best and advanced in the country.
The University Provides training of specialists not only for Tver and Tver oblast but also for other regions of Russia Tula, Bryansk, Novgirod, Pskov, Moscow, Kaluga, Ivanovo,yaroslavl, Kostrima, Valadimir, Murmansk, vologda, karelia.The Tver State Medical University is offcially recognized by the UN agencies for Health care and education. for more than 47 years (since 1962) it has been training specialists for 57 countries of the world. Today teaching in the University is conducted in Russian or English.
One of the main aspects of work of the University is its clinical activity. Clinical departments of the University are integrated to the structure of munipal and regional health care institutions. Main Surgical, therapeutic and dental departments in Tver is headed by the University Professor and associate Professors. Scientific research at the University’s departments and units is carried out in many diverse areas of Medical Sciences.
Our Principal breakthroughs directions of work are in the fields of biology, chemistry, physiology, general pathology, microbiology, genetics, public health, ophthalmology, abdominal surgery, dental surgery and orthodontic, Monographs, reference books, textbooks, training aids and collections of scientific thesis that reflect all main aspects of scientific work are published by TSMU an d kept in the University’s library.
The University takes an active part in development and implementation of international, federal and Regional scientific Projects. The TSMU frequently hosts National and International scientific Conferences. Tsmu has more than 570 teaching staff which includes 120Professors, 180 Associates Professors, 150 Assistant Professors & 150 Lectures.80% of the Teaching Staff has the Highest medical degree that is Doctorate of Medicine (DM) and Ph.D.
The Specialize Scientific Board for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research reviews and awards degrees in 3 specialties: cardiology, dentistry and surgery. Annually more than 40 doctoral and Postdoctoral thesis are defended in the premises of the university.
Recognized Among the World Best Educational Institutions
Tver State Medical University is Proud to be featured in the Cambridge University students Union “the Guide to Excellence 2013’ the Prestigious international Publication, which Highlights best Practices in education in 150 Organizations throughout the world.
The University of Cambridge is a model of Educational Excellence. However, Cambridge’shistoricreputations does not mean it’s an institution stuck in the past. On the country, the University and colleges continue to invest in the future, to continue providing outstanding education for Students today and tomorrow. Produced by Cambridge University students Union and the UK-based St James’s House “the Guide to Excellence 2013” is a lively and informative mix of news, views and features. Exploring how the University continues to thrive in changing times, the Publication also highlights how selected Organizations and institutions from around the world are Promoting best practice.
The Cambridge University Students Union and the experts of the St. James’s House Exclusively selected Tver State Medical University among all Russian Medical Universities for its constant Dynamic, Development, Historical Heritage and recent achievements, diversity of students community as well as the Quality of International academic connections. The Guide Emphasizes the Level of Teaching, thrilling clinical and research opportunities for future doctors at Tver SMU, and highlights advantages of studying medicine in tver.