Medical institute Chkalov (now the Orenburg State Medical University0 was established in 1994. doctors improvement school was opened (now it’s referred to as Department of post-graduate coaching for specialists) students hostel no three and canteen were in-built 1985. The institute continuing its development in 1990-s, new departments, like department of upper medical care and Department of preventive care, were opened. The Orenburg state Medical University opened three new departments in 2002 (Dental Pharmaceutical, Department of clinical psychology and have become a better institution with eight department.
These days 555 members of scientific and staff work on the university there square measure ninety three Doctors of medication and 298 Associate of medication among them. The University unites eight departments within the following direction : Medical specialty, pediatrics, preventive care, psychotherapy, Dentistry, Pharmacy, medical care and Department of Post-graduate coaching for specialist, 56 chairs, preliminary courses for coming into the university, internship, residency, post- graduate coaching and better academic degree, four thesis committee, scientific and innovative center of analysis Coordination, the clinic the laboratory of digital instructional technologies, instructional simulation center and different structural subdivisions.
During 6 year of training the students will learn an extensive program of 54 subjects in medical faculty and training takes place in 47 departments of the faculty and courses in which more than professors, associates professors and Doctors. The Faculty students perceive in the walls of the three theoretical buildings of University, familiarize with the disease, and the first steps in the treatment of patients at the largest hospital in the city and the region. Here students get their first medical experience and learn the applications of modern medicine.
Consolidated training of specialists is carried out by the university and all medico-prophylactic institution of the Orenburg region, as well as Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in Orenburg Region and its territorial subdivisions, Federal State- Funded healthcare institution “the center of Hygiene and epidemiology in Orenburg Region”.
There are three hostels at the academy: No.1 No.2 and No.3 These were opened in 1961, 1964 & 1981 respectively and became the second home for young people who came from different corners of the country. Hostels are Located on Main roads of city, and as Two Blocks are Located within 100 Meters of Academy so students can just walk to the classes. Now days more than 900 students live in these hostels.
All favorable condition is created in the hostels for organization and running of events, sports areas.
hostel No- is specially meant for Foreign students and is located next to Academic block No.-1 & 2 of Academy, Here rooms are of section type (flat system), each section has 4 rooms each, 2 rooms are 3 sweater and 2 rooms are 2 sweater each, in all total of 10 students lives in a section which has its own toilets and bathroom.
key area of Hostel are: the creation of social condition for living and recreational activities of the students; improvement and revitalization of local government; creation of condition for personal development and implementation of creative activity; promotion of healthy lifestyles; public education student culture medium.
Mess Facility
Studywell Education in association with Orenburg states Medical University, Russia has established a new Indian Mess in the Hostel of the University. Studywell Education has appointed chefs from India so that students can be served with the Indian dishes. High quality Indian vegetarian and Non-vegetarian food is provided in the mess. The strong emphasis has been given on maintaining the High standards of Quality and hygiene in the mess.
Hospitals & Clinics
There are more than 18 clinical bases aimed at training of Students in Orenburg:
List of Hospitals attached to Orenburg State Medical in University
- Orenburg regional clinical hospital no 2.
- Municipal city clinical hospital number 1.
- Municipal city clinical hospital named after pirogov N.I.
- Orenburg regional clinical Hospital no.1.
- Municipal city Clinical hospital number 2.
- Railway clinical hospital of Orenburgstation.
- Polyclinic of municipal city clinical hospital number 5.
- city first-aid station.
- Regional clinical dental polyclinic of Orenburg city.
- Department of Maxillofacial surgery of the Regional Children’s hospital.
- Regional oncologic dispensary.
- Regional Children’s dental Polyclinic of Orenburg city.
- 13-15. Municipal Helathcare institutions – Dental Polyclunics Number 1,2,5.
- Dental Polyclinic “Rostosh”.
- State and Private Drug stores.
Clinic Orenburg State Medical University – is a Diversified Medical Facility Providing outpatient, inpatient care Routine in a day hospital of Orenburg together briefly call us “Professorial clinic” it is Organized by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation in 2000 as Adaptive therapy clinic in which to develop new methods of using controlled hypoxia in the treatment of various diseases. The Clinic is Staffed by experienced Professors, clinicians are well known in the area for so and beyond. the clinic has 58 professors and associate professors, clinicians are well known in the area for so professors 23 departments in various specialties.
The establishment has a license for 69 types of medical assistance… clinical diagnostics laboratory is composed of clinical, biochemical, genetic, carried 150 types of research, hormonal status shall be determined within 40 minutes; in the department of functional diagnostics performed ECG, ECG monitoring and blood pressure, Spirometry, bicycle, ergometry. In the physiotherapy department used more than 60 conventional treatments.
In the Forensic Medical Examination has a molecular genetics laboratory in which performs genetic Examination of kinship ( parenthood), genetic Examination in criminal cases, conducted the Examination of living persons on the injury controversial sexual states, sexual offences, Examination of Health status. Examination conducted provision of quality Health care.
The clinic operates on the basis of mental health center, teachers of the department of psychiatry, Addiction,\psychotherapy and clinical psychology, leading both teaching and research work on mental health issues, carry out medical advice to the public.
Medical Faculty
History of Medical Faculty to 1944… that is, since the founding of the chkalov (Orenburg) Medical Institute. For 68 years. changed its is name and structure ( Academy) but medical Faculty always remained the leading division of the university, training of students majoring in “medicine” Department annually produces over two Hundred newly trained health professionals for the Russian. During 6 years of training, the students will learn the Medical faculty extensive program of 54 items. Training takes place on 47 faculty departments and courses in which work and help students master the ‘knowledge and skills of more than 300 professors, associate professors and professors. Basic structure of the human body and the life of the organism. The Foundations of pathology faculty, students perceive in the walls of building three theoretical Academies; Familiarity with the disease and the first steps in the treatment of patients receive based on the largest hospital in the city and region. Here students of practice get their first medical Experience and master achievements of modern Medicine.
With first-year students of medical, faculty actively engaged in research work in students scientific circles. and the result of this mass phenomenon- student Participation in academic work, Starting with junior courses, is that virtually all groups of departments staffs our academy graduates. After the academy most capable students of the faculty continue to improve their knowledge in a clinical internship and graduates of our faculty are not only practitioners, but also by scientists in fundamental areas of sciences: biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, pharmacology, etc.
Faculty of General Medicine
Duration and mode of study – 5.8 years, full- time course
- Qualification after Graduation from this Department-
“General Medicine”.
- curriculum for 6 years includes 21600 class hours;
Major subjects are studied for 6948 class hours.
- Teaching Faculty – 26 Doctors of Medicine and 88
Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
- Clinical trials- more than 15 trials.
Internationally Recognized degree & MCI Coaching
OSMU degrees are recognized by the world Health Organization (WHO) which makes its courses internationally recognized. Students can apply for USMLE (United State Medical Entrance), MMA (Australian Medical Entrance), MCI (Indian Medical Entrance) and all others. Students who are looking for practicing in india can also enroll for the special coaching classes arranged by studywell. These classes are provided simultaneously with the course study and students can get them well prepared for the screening test.
Studywell in association with Orenburg State Medical University have initiated the coaching classes for the MCI Screening test for the Indian students. Indian Students have taken a best benefit of it and made it an intensive Interactive session.
Dr. Manna soumen MBBS, MD (AiiMS) Sr. Lecturer Dept of Physiology VMMC Safdarjung Hospital Has Delivered the Lecture for the Students on the subject of Physiology as per MCI Screening Examination.
Center Of Simulation Medicine
To Become Highly Qualified Doctors, Students must ob-tain necessary skills in various medical Manipulations and attainments required to render medical assistance. The center of simulation Medicine was organized in the institute of Fundamental Medicine and biology namely lot this purpose.
Fltriulation is a teaching method manipu, latioris with dummies and simulators imitating the patient body it permits to train certain operations most electively making them automatic.
Sports & Cultural Events Orenburg State Medical University
OSMU new Structural subdivision- sports club- and Gym was opened at university in 2013the main aim of its activity is organization and improvement of sports. work with students, propaganda of healthy life style,12 sports leagues are functioning in the club ( aerobics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, track-and-filed athletics, table tennis, lifting, skiing, chess, the number of sports leagues will increase after opening a new sports center of the University.
Cultural Festivals Events
Cultural Festivals Events Are The Main Attractions As It Brings The Feeling Of HOME AWAY HOME among Indian students all the Indian festivals are celebrated in the university like holi,diwali, Navratri, Ganesh chaturthi,Pongal, Onam, the leading festival that unites overseas Indian Diaspora living in numerous countries of the World. Including Russia this festival is celebrated annually at Orenburg State Medical University, Russia.