
QUICK FACTS about Kazan State Medical University:

✓ Established in 1814, Kazan State Medical University is 207+ Years Old
✓ As per WHO international rating, Kazan State Medical University takes 129th place in the world and 3859 for MBBS in Russia and medical studies for international students.
✓ 40% of the students of Kazan State Medical University are from foreign countries.
✓ Kazan State Medical University is officially recognized by the UN agencies for health care and education.

Kazan State Medical University was established in the year 1814 at Tver city of Russia. It is one of the oldest medical universities in Russia with 207+ years of existence on providing education to the medical aspirants. its existence plays a leading role in developing medical science and training of medical practitioners. It is known as the largest medical scientific and research institute in Russia.


✓ Faculty of General Medicine
✓ Faculty of Dental Medicine
✓ Faculty of Pediatrics
✓ Pharmaceutical Faculty
✓ Faculty of Advanced Nursing Education
✓ Faculty of Postgraduate

Kazan State medical University is one of the oldest English medium medical universities in Russia. TSMU has built its name for its extensive clinical and laboratory base and brilliant teaching staff for MBBS in Russia. At present, there are students from more than 50 nations studying at Kazan State Medical University, including students from Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Further, TSMU and the Americas. Further, TSMU offers direct admission for MBBS in Russia that makes the MBBS admission process much easier.


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